Easter is Almost Here!
We were getting pretty excited and planning to open the golf course here at Sauble Golf & Country Club, on Easter Weekend. Then....it...

Hope Springs Eternal :)
This weird winter of scraping ice, digging out from blizzards and wild winds, sure has us all looking forward to all that Spring will...

A Sweetheart of a Night Out
I have one word to describe how it felt to walk over to work this weekend: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! The Arctic blast is here and the temps and...

Lots of Reasons to love January in Sauble
Welcome to 2019. Pictured below is the sun rising over Sauble Beach on January 2nd. We are back to winter again. New Years Eve started...

A very Merry Christmas to You
It's Christmas Eve and our course is covered in a thick layer of beautiful white Christmas snow. The gigantic snowflakes that began...

Party Time!
Happy Christmas! Party season has arrived and Bogey's is bursting with celebrations this week. This Friday and Saturday night we are...

Hello white stuff!
As predicted by the fine weather folks, the snow has arrived, just one day after Jack pulled the pins and sealed the greens. Talking...

The Turning
Tonight is our annual Masquerade Ball and the start of our Saturday Nite Roast Beef & Rock N' Roll. Tonight, we kick it off right with a...

The colours of Autumn have arrived and are as stunning as this weather. Wow! Freezing a wet one day (think Member's Club Closing Party)...

Happy Fall Ya'll!
It's official. Fall has arrived. We had our first frost delay Saturday morning, as we all waited until nearly 8:20am for the Sauble Beach...