Happy Fall Ya'll!
It's official. Fall has arrived. We had our first frost delay Saturday morning, as we all waited until nearly 8:20am for the Sauble Beach sunshine to rise up and melt the morning roast coating on the lovely green grass. (Pictured below: The Boss having some frosty morning fun with Chris, Kevin and Leo)

Since Saturday, more and more autumn colouring is showing off in our trees. Summer's humidity has vanished and has left us with a breath of fresh air to energize our golf game.

Speaking of "energy", this is the week to use up any extra you might have in reserve. This week we're hosting three League Wrap Up Events:
Men's Night Wrap Up 4 Man Scramble is Tuesday Night at 5:30pm. We have 10 x 4-somes signed up so it's going to be a whole bunch of fun on the course tomorrow night. Our Senior Men's and Senior Ladies Leagues' Wrap Up Scramble is this Wednesday morning at 9:00am, followed by their big prize giveaway and Roast Turkey Luncheon. Then Wednesday night at 5:30pm Ladies Night Bring A Friend Event hits the course then piles into Bogey's for a whole bunch of fun and prizes. Then, before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving Weekend and our Member's Pumpkin Scramble will give us an opportunity to thank each of our Members and welcome new Members. The Pumpkin Scramble is Friday October 5th at 11am followed by a lovely meal and a lot of laughs.

On Sunday October 7th we are hosting a big Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet, so if you'd rather not mess up the kitchen, bring the whole gang into Bogey's for dinner. Reservations for this night are a must. We are already half full for the 6pm seating.
Our Hours change at Thanksgiving. Golf will be available from 8am to 6pm daily and Bogey's will be open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 11am.
On Monday October 7th, the golf course will be open until 11am only. After that, we are closing for the rest of the day Monday to host a party for our hard working staff. We'll be back to business as usual Tuesday. The golf course will remain open for golf 7 days a week in fair weather. Once we get a forecast that suggests it will starting looking a bit more like the photo below, we'll seal the greens and close for the season. But before the white stuff arrives we have lots of work to do to get everything ready to "sleep gently" all winter long, including aerating the greens, which will happen sooner than later.

Wing Nights + Karaoke will continue every Thursday night as will our Wine + Dine Friday nights. Live From The Floor in Bogey's will return Saturday October 27th, when we kick off our Saturday Night Band Nights with our Masquerade Ball. Doors Open at 8pm. Band plays live around 9pm. There will be prizes for Best Masquerade Mask, Best Couple, Best Group and Best Single Costume. Tickets will go on sale Thanksgiving Weekend in Bogey's. Drop by and grab your tickets before they sell out.

Christmas Party Bookings are starting to stream in too. If you have hosted your Staff Party here in the past and would like to return near the same date, we suggest calling soon to hold the date.
Well, that's a wrap for today. Hope to see you over the next few weeks and if you are in Sauble Beach for Thanksgiving Weekend, take a minute to stop in and say "Hi". We'd love to see your smiling face.