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Lots of Reasons to love January in Sauble

Welcome to 2019. Pictured below is the sun rising over Sauble Beach on January 2nd. We are back to winter again. New Years Eve started with rain and then changed to icy snow, coating everything with thick ice and snow. The weather guys tell us to expect more snow today & tomorrow.

Winter weather is good news for the Sauble Sno-Riders, whose members are chomp'n at the bit to get out on the trails and get some sledding in. The committee has been working hard getting the trails marked and ready for snowmobile season.

Wintery weather is also good news for the Sauble Beach Chamber of Commerce and their 40th Anniversary Winterfest Committee. The big event is January 18th and 19th and most of the events are held at the Sauble Beach Community Centre. We have Winterfest Dance Tickets on sale in Bogey's, but get yours soon. It's one event that sells out quickly.

Someone posted that it's just 100 days until the MASTERS begins. lol. In light of that long walk, we thought we'd add a friendly reminder that we have our Save The Taxes Sauble Golf Membership offer on until February 15th, 2019. Now's the time to tell your friends, neighbours and golf buddies to come in and save on their 2019 Membership. And while you're here, enjoy the Boss's new "1/2 Price Appetizer" offer. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 3pm to 5pm are our "Appy Hours".

If you need a night out to meet new friends, join us Thursday Nights for Wing Night + Karaoke and Saturday Nights for Roast Beef & Rock N Roll. Visit our website for a list of all of the bands we have booked for January and February. Call 519-422-1052 for info or reservations. Call 519-422-3366 to arrange a ride in the Sauble Shuttle.

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